
Spicy Pickle

Today was my first day back to work downtown, after 8 weeks of Family Leave. I unexpectedly had time to grab lunch (I was convinced that I had a lunch-time meeting, which meant no lunch). I was headed to find a sandwich, after getting stamps at the post office, when I ran across the Spicy Pickle. It's located at 1220 SW 6th Avenue and it's delicious.

I've spent many years and many lunches consuming sandwiches. It's hard to impress me. Subway, Quizno's, Paradise Bakery, Rose's, Kornblatt's, Big Town Hero, etc. All fairly regular haunts...and all fairly the same (except Rose's...but that's a future article). My father owned a deli when I was a kid. He's my standard...and it's hard to beat one of his sandwiches (in my mind and stomach...he has a gift...back off). Usually, a sandwich is a sandwich is a sandwich.

But, I must say, this place has caught my attention. I had the Adobe Panini. Yes, $6.45 for a Panini sandwich. But, it was really really good. The corn was a brilliant addition. I will be going back. I must try all the sandwiches. Check out the Spicy Pickle. Here's another website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been told that the Cafe that's above the Melting Pot is just as good if not better than the Spicy Pickle.